GOLF TALLINN  (Hotel Telegraaf 5*)

GOLF TALLINN (Hotel Telegraaf 5*)

Golfireisid - Eesti


Golf Tallinnas (Hotel Telegraaf 5*)

Every hotel has a story to tell, but none more so than Telegraaf. Our hotel is located in what used to be the nerve-center of the city: the telegraph office. 
This was where news traveled to and from. A place where people connected with people. 

As a hotel, we continue that tradition, welcoming guests from near and far and we Take Everyone Personally.
This promise is the core of the Telegraaf experience and the main reason why our guests return, year after year

5 päeva, 4 ööd.

Pakett sisaldab:

  • 4 ööd majutust hommikusöögiga
  • 3 green fee, 18 rada
  • 3 edasi/tagasi transfeerid golfiväljakule ja golfiväljakust
  • Lennujaama transfeerid mõlemas suunas
  • Tallinna linnaekskursioon

gruppidele alatest 4 golfarist, 1 lend


860 EUR inimesele kaheses toas

Ühekohalise majutuse :1150 EUR